New 7 1/8" Discs for
Kalliope Music Boxes These discs play on Center-Driven and Edge-driven
Kalliope Music Boxes that play 7 1/8" Diameter discs. This includes the
more common 'Feather-Tree' Christmas Tree Stands. These Discs are produced with
both a Serrated (Toothed) Edge, and Center Drive Holes. Please Note
these discs DO NOT fit the rarer 'Gloriosa" Christmas Tree Stands that
play 7 5/8" Serrated-edge Discs. Price:
$75.01 per disc [ see list of discs below.] Custom-Arranged Discs starting
at $89. Shipped USPS First Class Inquire
for insurance or international shipping.
Additional Music, [ANYTHING!] , may be requested.
[Most listings for other disc types can be transfered to this
size.] [as of Sept 1, 2022]
Click on Catalog # to hear a simulated sample, [Simulations
may not be pitched to your Music Box.] Click on Column header to sort
list (Java required)
Links [Thorens/Reuge
4.5" Discs - Regina/Polyphon
15.5" Discs - Mr.
Christmas Metal Discs ] [Custom
Discs - Specials
- Chocolate Discs! ] |